50 Best Continued… Hummingbird Salvias (K to M)

Salvia karwinskii is a perennial shrub variety of salvia that grows larger and denser than most varieties of salvia. The larger size of Salvia karwinskii provides a safe space for hummingbirds to shelter in cold weather or during the hummingbird’s hibernation period called torpor. Hummingbirds go into torpor between feedings or during cold weather. When the hummingbird goes into torpor, the bird’s feet lock around a branch and the hummingbird hangs upside down until it awakes.

Cover image details: Red flowering Karwinkii’s Sage (Salvia karwinskii Benth.)_© Philip Bird/123rf.com

Salvia Karwinskii
Name:Karwinski’s sage
Binomial Name:Salvia karwinskii
Life Cycle:Perennial shrub
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms early Spring and Early Fall
USDA Hardiness:9-11
Size:Can grow taller than 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide (2.4 meters by 1.2 meters)
Hummingbird Benefits:Provides nectar for hummingbirds, also this shrub could provide hummingbirds a safe space to nest.
Facts:In the wild, this plant grows in moist forests throughout South America.
Close up of Mexican bush sage aka Salvia leucantha_© plazaccameraman/123rf.com
Salvia Leucantha
Name:Mexican bush sage
Binomial Name:Salvia leucantha
Life Cycle:Perennial shrub
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms mid-Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:7-11
Size:Can grow larger than 4 feet tall and 6 feet wide (1.2 meters wide by 1.8 meters wide)
Hummingbird Benefits:Provides nectar for hummingbirds, also this shrub could provide hummingbirds a safe space to nest.
Facts:Also attracts butterflies
Purple sage (Salvia leucophylla) blooming in spring, California_© unitysphere/123rf.com
Salvia Leucophylla
Name:Purple sage, Grey sage
Binomial Name:Salvia leucophylla
Life Cycle:Perennial shrub
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil, also thrives in sandy / rocky soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil, also thrives in drier soils
Bloom Time:Blooms Spring and Summer
USDA Hardiness:8-11
Size:Can grow up to 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide (1.5 meters tall and 1.5 meters wide)
Hummingbird Benefits:Provides nectar for hummingbirds, also this shrub could provide hummingbirds a safe space to nest.
Facts:Also attracts butterflies
Purple Salvia longispicata_© Aleksandra Duda/123rf.com
Salvia Longispicata
Name:Salvia longispicata
Binomial Name:Salvia longispicata
Life Cycle:Perennial shrub
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil, also thrives in sandy / rocky soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil, also thrives in drier soils
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:7-10
Size:Can grow up to 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide (1.5 meters tall by 1.2 meters wide)
Hummingbird Benefits:Provides nectar for hummingbirds, also this shrub could provide hummingbirds a safe space to nest.
Facts:Also attracts butterflies
Lyreleaf sage – salvia lyrata_© Kathy Clark/123rf.com
Salvia Lyrata
Name:Lyreleaf sage
Binomial Name:Salvia lyrata
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil, also thrives in sandy / rocky soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil, also thrives in drier soils
Bloom Time:Blooms Spring through Summer
USDA Hardiness:4-9
Size:Can grow to 24 inches tall and 12 inches wide (60 cm by 30 cm)
Hummingbird Benefits:Provides nectar for hummingbirds
Red salvia burgundy_Salvia macellaria_© Kumud Parajuli/123rf.com
Salvia Macellaria
Name:Salvia Bordeaux
Binomial Name:Salvia macellaria
Life Cycle:Perennial shrub
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Spring through Summer
USDA Hardiness:7-9
Size:Can grow to 36 inches tall and 24 inches wide (91 cm by 60 cm)
Hummingbird Benefits:Provides nectar for hummingbirds, also this shrub could provide hummingbirds a safe space to nest.
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Please note: While we have worked to provide the most accurate information, climate and growing location will impact the size, height, bloom-time, annual/perennial status, and may impact color. We have gathered this data from personal experience, with online resources used for additional clarification. Additional references include google and usda.gov

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