Blueberry bushes require very acidic soil to thrive, and several products are specifically made for acidifying blueberry soil. However, there are also everyday household products that we may already have on hand to acidify our blueberry soil.
Vinegar can be used to quickly acidify soil and lower soil pH. The most common method is to mix 1 to 4 tablespoons of vinegar per gallon of water, depending on the size of the blueberry bush. Smaller bushes need less vinegar, as the small roots may burn if the vinegar-water mix is too strong.
Below we cover the Pros and Cons of using vinegar to acidify soil for blueberry bushes.
Related article: Blueberry Soil Requirements.
For more information on growing blueberries, read our article on Blueberry Soil Requirements to learn the ideal growing conditions for all varieties of blueberries.
Cover image details: Vaccinium cespitosum, known as the dwarf blueberry © aruba2000/123rf.com
Pros of Using Vinegar to Acidify Soil for Blueberry Bushes
The Pros of this method are a quick change to the soil pH. The blueberry plant will instantly benefit from the boost of acidity from the vinegar-water solution. If you have a soil amendment like perlite or vermiculite in your soil, the amendment will be able to absorb and retain the acidic vinegar-water solution for slower release to the plants’ roots.
Related article: For more information on soil amendments and their benefits in all gardens, read our article, Perlite, vs Vermiculite, vs Pumice, vs Peat Moss Explained.
In our article: ‘Perlite, vs Vermiculite, vs Pumice, vs Peat Moss Explained’, we detail each soil amendment individually and compare each amendment to identify the best use case for all four soil amendments. Read our article; Perlite, vs Vermiculite, vs Pumice, vs Peat Moss Explained’ to learn which is best for your garden.
Cons of Using Vinegar to Acidify Soil for Blueberry Bushes
The Cons of the vinegar-water method are, that the vinegar-water solution will only have short-lived results and a thorough watering or rain could wash away the solution.
Even if the solution is not washed away, the overall impact of vinegar will only have a small impact on the plants’ roots. Many gardeners say there is no measurable impact on the soil, while others use this method on every blueberry bush.
Related article: Blueberry Soil Requirements.
Our preferred method for managing the pH levels of our blueberry plants is to use fertilizer specially made for blueberries. We apply organic fertilizer specially made for blueberries, three times per season. The first is when the bushes are planted in the garden bed or a pot.
Related article: Are Coffee Grounds good for blueberry bushes
The second application of fertilizer is applied just as the buds are beginning to form on the bush. By the time the buds form, the blueberry bush has absorbed a significant amount of nutrients from the soil. Adding fertilizer at this point provides a larger and healthier harvest, in our experience.

The third and final application of organic fertilizer is applied at the end of the season just before the winter months. Fertilizing at the end of the season serves two main purposes, one is to strengthen the final harvest of blueberries (for the varieties that bloom multiple times per year); and the second is to strengthen the root system and make the bush hardier for its dormant phase.
See our reviews and recommendations for soil pH testers in our recommended garden-gear guide.
Once you have the results of your soil test you can begin to blend the soil with any missing nutrients.
Many fertilizers come in premixed ratios, though you can easily find any P-N-K nutrients sold individually.
See our reviews and recommendations for blueberry fertilizers and soil acidifiers, in our recommended garden-gear guide.