50 Best Plants Continued… Honey Bee Plants (L to M)

Liatris spicata (Dense blazing star, prairie gayfeather) are perennial and bloom summer through fall, growing over 4 feet tall (1.2 meters). Liatris spicata thrive in full sun and moist well-draining soil. Bees are attracted to the colorful flowers and can be seen buzzing around the Liatris clusters drinking nectar.

Cover image details: Liatris spicata, Blazing star_© Susy Baels/123rf.com

Liatris Spicata
Name:Dense blazing star, prairie gayfeather
Binomial Name:Liatris spicata
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:4-8
Size:Can grow over 4 feet tall (1.2 meters)
Bee Benefits:Nectar and pollen source
Great Blue Lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica_© Natalia Boiko/123rf.com
Lobelia Siphilitica
Name:Blue Selection
Binomial Name:Lobelia siphilitica
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:4-9
Size:Can grow larger than 24 inches tall and 18 inches wide (60 cm by 45 cm)
Bee Benefits:Nectar and pollen source
Lobelia erinus_© Christian Weiß/123rf.com
Lobelia Erinus
Name:Trailing lobella
Binomial Name:Lobelia erinus
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:10-11
Size:Can grow larger than 12 inches tall and 12 inches wide (30 cm by 30 cm)
Bee Benefits:Nectar and pollen source
Facts:Deer resistant
Lupinus Polyphyllus with bee_© Egor Kudymov/123rf.com
Lupinus Polyphyllus
Name:Large leaved lupine
Binomial Name:Lupinus polyphyllus
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining soils. Thrives in sandy rocky soils. Also tolerates nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil, this plant can thrive in drier conditions
Bloom Time:Blooms Spring through early Summer
USDA Hardiness:5-9
Size:Can grow up to 5 feet tall (1.52 meters)
Bee Benefits:Nectar and pollen source
Facts:Use caution! Lupinus seeds can be poisonous if consumed.
Beautiful blue Lupin photographed in Norway during spring_© Andrea Marzorati/123rf.com
Binomial Name:Lupinus polyphyllus
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining sandy soil
Water Needs:Maintain drier soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Spring through Summer
USDA Hardiness:4-8
Size:Can grow to 4 feet (1.2 meters)
Bee Benefits:Nectar and pollen source
Facts:Use caution! This plant is toxic if ingested
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Please note: While we have worked to provide the most accurate information, climate and growing location will impact the size, height, bloom-time, annual/perennial status, and may impact color. We have gathered this data from personal experience, with online resources used for additional clarification. Additional references include google and usda.gov

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