50 Beautiful Continued… Butterfly Plants (B to C)

Borage is a beautiful flower to plant in large clusters as the stunning blue and sometimes purple flowers bloom continuously through the growing season.

Cover image details: Closeup of the pretty blue flowers and buds on a borage plant, Borago officinalis, in a garden_© Amelia Martin/123rf.com

Binomial Name:Borago officinalis
Life Cycle:Annual
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient rich soil
Water Needs:Keep soil moist, check soil hydration daily
Bloom Time:Spring through Fall
Butterfly Benefits:Butterflies use Borage as a host plant and will build silk nests within the plant
Facts:Borage is also referred to as Bee Bush as it attracts bees and other pollinators.
This plant can also help to deter garden pests and worms that may destroy your garden.
Borage is an annual that drops seeds at the end of each growing season. The seeds will sit dormant through the winter and then sprout the following spring.
Grows up to 36 inches tall (91cm)
Butterfly on buddleia davidiii _© Ornella Bonomini/123rf.com
Buddleia Davidii
Name:Butterfly Bush
Binomial Name :Buddleia davidii
Life Cycle:Perennial Shrub
Sun Needs:Full sun to partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient rich soil
Water Needs:Keep soil moist, check soil hydration daily
Bloom Time:Early Summer through Fall
Butterfly Benefits:Butterfly Bush provides nectar to butterflies
Facts:USE Caution!! categorized as an invasive plant in many states. Check with local guidelines before buying and planting Butterfly Bush. There are both invasive species and non-invasive species in this family.
Deer resistant
Asclepias tuberosa on Butterfly weed. Butterfly weed is a species of milkweed with clustered orange flowers._© Olga Smagitel/123rf.com
Butterfly Weed
Name:Butterfly weed
Binomial Name :Asclepias tuberosa
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining sandy soil
Water Needs:Keep the sandy soil on the drier side
Bloom Time:Early Spring through late Fall
Butterfly Benefits:Butterfly Weed is a source of nectar and larval host to butterflies.
Facts:This deciduous herb can grow up to 2 feet tall (CM).
Deer resistant
This plant also attracts hummingbirds
USE CAUTION! This plant can be toxic if consumed and should be planted with care.
Beautiful orange Gulf Fritillary Butterfly feeds on the nectar from a Common Buttonbush flower._© Wendell Clendennen/123rf.com
Binomial Name:Cephalanthus occidentalis
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Moist and well-draining nutrient rich soil
Water Needs:Keep soil moist, check soil hydration daily
Bloom Time:Early Spring through Fall
Butterfly Benefits:Buttonbush is a source of nectar for butterflies and bees.
Facts:Deer resistant
Buttonbush can also thrive in wetlands, bog gardens, and on the shore near bodies of water.
Can grow to 10 feet or taller (3 meters).
Orange pot marigold blossom – Calendula officinalis field ._© vaivirga/123rf.com
Binomial Name:Calendula arvensis
Life Cycle:Annual or Perennial depending on the species of Calendula.
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Moist and well-draining nutrient rich soil
Water Needs:Keep soil moist, check soil hydration daily
Bloom Time:Blooming begins in the Spring and will continue through the season if the dead branches are routinely pruned away.
Butterfly Benefits:Calendula provides nectar and pollen to butterflies and bees.
Facts:used by several religions in special religious ceremonies around the world
Can grow up to 24 inches tall (60cm)
While Calendula looks similar to marigolds, they are not the same. To make it more confusing, Calendula is commonly referred to as Pot Marigolds.
There are several dozen varieties of Calendula, with some as annuals and some as perennials. 
Closeup of blue catmint flowers, Nepeta Blue Dragon._© angiec333/123rf.com
Binomial Name:Nepeta cataria
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Moist and well-draining nutrient rich soil
Water Needs:Keep soil moist, check soil hydration daily
Bloom Time:Spring through Fall
Butterfly Benefits:Catmint provides nectar to butterflies
Facts:Tolerates drought conditions well
Deer resistant
Catmint can grow up to 36 inches tall (91 cm) and spread like ground cover.
USE Caution! This plant spreads like other mint plants and will become an invasive pain if not properly maintained.

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Please note: While we have worked to provide the most accurate information, climate and growing location will impact the size, height, bloom-time, annual/perennial status, and may impact color. We have gathered this data from personal experience, with online resources used for additional clarification. Additional references include google and usda.gov

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