Eupatorium Sordidum (Common boneset) provides a unique flower that attracts Monarch butterflies and can grow over 6 feet tall (1.8m). Blooming summer through Fall provides the butterflies a respite on the seasonal paths of migration.
Please note: While we have worked to provide the most accurate information, climate and growing location will impact the size, height, bloom-time, annual/perennial status, and may impact color. We have gathered this data from personal experience, with online resources used for additional clarification. Additional references include google and
As the Garden Path Insider, I am thrilled to share the gardening knowledge I've acquired in my 30 plus years of gardening. I look forward to the opportunity to provide guidance as you continue along your path.
Blueberry bushes require very acidic soil to thrive, and several products are specifically made for acidifying blueberry soil. However, there are also everyday household products that we may already...
Blueberries are divided into two main varieties of Highbush blueberries, and Lowbush blueberries. Each variety thrives in different soil conditions and ecosystems. Highbush blueberries require...