40 Beautiful Continued… Monarch Butterfly Plants (D to E)

Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota) blooms through Summer and provides a stunning white flower that attracts Monarch butterflies as well as other butterfly species.

Cover image details: Monarch butterfly on a Queen Anne’s Lace flower_© Patricia Jenks/123rf.com

Daucus Carota
Name:Wild carrot, Queen Anne’s lace
Binomial Name:Daucus carota
Life Cycle:Biennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer
USDA Hardiness:4-8
Size:Can grow taller than 24 inches (60 cm)
Butterfly Benefit:Monarch adult food source
Wild Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) in a meadow. Flower heads of teazel_© scimmery/123rf.com
Dipsacus Fullonum
Name:Wild Teasel
Binomial Name:Dipsacus fullonum
Life Cycle:Biennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:3-8
Size:Can grow taller than 8 feet (2.4 meters)
Butterfly Benefit:Monarch adult food source
Facts:Use caution! This is labeled as a noxious weed in many countries
Butterfly bush_buddleia_© lianem/123rf.com
Dwarf Butterfly Bush
Name:Dwarf Butterfly Bush
Binomial Name:buddleia
Life Cycle:Perennial shrub
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil also tolerates sandy / rocky soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil / also tolerates drier soils
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:5-10
Size:Can grow taller than 36 inches (91 cm)
Butterfly Benefit:Monarch adult food source
Purple and orange perennial flowers echinacea purpurea maxima_© Natasha Walton/123rf.com
Echinacea sp.
Name:Cone flowers
Binomial Name:Echinacea sp.
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil, also tolerates sandy / rocky soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil / also tolerates drier soils
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:5-8
Size:Can grow taller than 4 feet (1.2 meters)
Butterfly Benefit:Monarch adult food source
Facts:Native to North America
Erigeron canadensis_©杨 中选/123rf.com
Erigeron Canadensis
Binomial Name:Erigeron canadensis
Life Cycle:Annual
Sun Needs:Full sun, partial sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil also tolerates sandy / rocky soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil / also tolerates drier soils
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer through Fall
USDA Hardiness:6-9
Size:Can grow taller than 60 inches (152 cm)
Butterfly Benefit:Monarch adult food source
Facts:Use caution! This is an invasive plant and may not be allowed in certain states or countries.
Joe-Pye Weed wildflowers, Eupatorium maculatum, growing in a field_© Stephen Bonk/123rf.com
Eupatorium Maculatum
Name:Spotted Joe-Pye weed
Binomial Name:Eupatorium maculatum
Life Cycle:Perennial
Sun Needs:Full sun
Soil Needs:Well-draining nutrient-rich soil
Water Needs:Maintain moist soil
Bloom Time:Blooms Summer to mid Fall
USDA Hardiness:2-7
Size:Can grow taller than 6 feet (1.8 meters)
Butterfly Benefit:Monarch adult food source
Facts:Joe-Pye weed is in the sunflower family
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Please note: While we have worked to provide the most accurate information, climate and growing location will impact the size, height, bloom-time, annual/perennial status, and may impact color. We have gathered this data from personal experience, with online resources used for additional clarification. Additional references include google and usda.gov

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